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Do you know how to train? What stimuli do you need? Is it difficult to plan your training efficiently? Structure in your training schedule is not self-evident. Maybe you need someone to map out this structure, or you need feedback on your training?

Want to know what your personal training zones are? An effort test with lactic acid measurement calculates your training zones based on heart rate, pace or wattage (cycling). This allows you to train more efficiently and work towards your goals.

Curious about my way of working? Then definitely check out my vision on the homepage. That way you will find out how I work and how I train my athletes.


Consultation moment with the coach

Twee overlegmomenten /maand

TrainingPeaks account

Effort test

Benefits on sports nutrition supplements

Price 100/week


New schedules every week

Consultation moment with the coach

Dagelijkse opvolging en bijsturing trainingsschema

TrainingPeaks account

Effort test

Benefits on sports nutrition supplements

Price 180/week


New schedules every week

Consultation moment with the coach

Regelmatige opvolging en bijsturing trainingsschema

TrainingPeaks account

Effort test

Benefits on sports nutrition supplements

Price 140/week



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Sports nutrition and supplements... everyone knows it and everyone uses it. But do we do this efficiently? The right nutrition and nutritional supplementation is important for athletes who want to get more out of their performances. Knowing what to eat and supplement at what times of the day is essential in your sports performances. Both before and during the effort itself, as well as towards recovery, (sports) nutrition will play an important role.

In addition to sports coaching, you can also get (sports) nutrition advice. For sports nutrition, we work together with our partner 6D SPORTNUTRITION.

"We are inspired by athletes every day and base ourselves on sound scientific research to develop exceptional sports supplements. In this way, we move side by side with the heroes and dreamers, by helping them get more out of their sport and recover faster from their groundbreaking efforts. Because anyone who is passionate about sports knows that the best support can sometimes make a world of difference."


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